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General information about the insurance industry in Pennsylvania

Types of State Insurance

What is the Purpose of Insurance in Pennsylvania

The purpose of insurance in Pennsylvania is to protect businesses and individuals from personal risks, liability risks, or property risks that may otherwise lead to larger losses. Insurance contracts function to allow you (the insured) to transfer your risks to the insurance provider, by paying a fee (premium) for this protection.

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Insurance Customer Protections

What Organizations Provide Protection to Insurance Consumers in Pennsylvania and What Do They Do?

The state of Pennsylvania protects its residents on the insurance market in multiple ways. Besides the overall regulation through the Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID), state guaranty associations also play a pivotal role in the stability of the industry as a whole...

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State Insurance, How Insurance Works

How Insurance Works in Pennsylvania

Insurance in Pennsylvania is offered by the government, private, and public organizations...

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The Most Important Insurance in Texas

The Most Important Insurance

The desire to feel safe and secure is one of the basic human needs. Insurance helps us do just that, by making sure that we ourselves, the people around us, and our stuff are covered, in case of an emergency, loss, or damage.

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Things you should know about Pennsylvania insurance

Insurance Customer Protections

How To Save Money on Insurance

The best thing one can do to save money on insurance Pennsylvania insurance, by type: Health, Auto, Home, Life, and Commercial.

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